\begin{frame}{Zielsetzung} \begin{figure}[H] \raggedright \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{focus/.style={rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.5cm, rounded corners=7pt, draw}}; \tikzset{hyperfocus/.style={rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.5cm, draw}}; \node[hyperfocus] (main) {gPodder}; \node[focus, right = 2cm of main] (sync) {Synchronisation}; \node[above = of sync] (share) {Inhalt teilen}; \node[above = 0.5cm of share] (discover) {Podcasts entdecken}; \node[text width = 3cm, below = of sync] (create) {Listen erstellen und teilen}; \node[text width = 3cm, below = 0.5cm of create] (popular) {Publisher:\\ Was ist beliebt?}; \node[hyperfocus, right = 3cm of sync, text width = 4cm] (PSE) {\underline{PSE\textsuperscript{2}}\begin{itemize} \item Schlankes Design \item Effizient \item Intuitiv \end{itemize} }; \draw[] (main) -- (sync); \draw[] (main) -- (share); \draw[] (main) |- (discover); \draw[] (main) -- (create); \draw[] (main) |- (popular); \draw[stealth-, thick] (sync.east) -- ($(PSE.north west) + (0, -0.3)$); \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure} \end{frame}