\begin{tikzpicture} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Nodeklassen für Aktivitätsdiagramm festlegen: % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% % start - Schwarzer ausgefüllter Kreis % % activity - Abgerundetes Rechteck für Aktivitäten des Users % % actBox - Rechteck für Reaktionen des Systems % % decision - Karokästchen für Entscheidungen / Abzweigungen % % end - Zielscheibe für das Ende der Aktivität % %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Siehe: https://www-kseta.ttp.kit.edu/fellows/Tanja.Harbaum/tikz_tutorial.pdf % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \tikzset{start/.style={circle,minimum width=0.3cm,minimum height=0.3cm,draw,fill}} \tikzset{activity/.style={rectangle,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=0.5cm,rounded corners=5pt,draw,align=center}} \tikzset{actBox/.style={rectangle,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=0.5cm,draw,align=center}} \tikzset{decision/.style={diamond,minimum width=1cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,align=center}} \tikzset{end/.style={draw,double=white,circle,inner sep=1pt,minimum width=0.3cm,minimum height=0.3cm,draw,fill}} % Nodes und deren Position (voneinander abhängig) angeben \node[start] (Start) {}; \node[activity, right = of Start] (Aufruf) {Website aufrufen}; \node[actBox, right = of Aufruf] (Login1) {Login page}; \node[activity, below = of Login1] (ForgetOpt) {\string"Passwort vergessen\string"\\ Option auswählen}; \node[actBox, below = of ForgetOpt] (Forget) {\string"Passwort vergessen\string"\\ Fenster}; \node[decision, below = of Forget] (EmailDecEnd) {}; \node[activity, below = of EmailDecEnd] (Input1) {E-Mail-Adresse\\ eingeben}; \node[decision, left = of Input1] (EmailDec) {E-Mail\\ registriert?}; \path (EmailDec) |- (EmailDecEnd) node[actBox, near end](Error2){Fehler}; \node[actBox, below = of EmailDec] (SendMail) {E-Mail mit Link\\ zum Zurücksetzen\\ des Passworts}; \node[activity, below = of SendMail] (LinkClick) {Empfangenen Link\\ öffnen}; \node[decision, right = of LinkClick] (LinkTime) {Link älter\\ als 24h?}; \node[actBox, above = of LinkTime] (Error) {Fehler}; \node[end, right = of Error] (End1) {}; \node[actBox, below = of LinkTime] (ResetWin) {\string"Passwort zurücksetzen\string"\\ Fenster}; \node[decision, left = of ResetWin] (PswCorEnd) {}; \node[activity, left = of PswCorEnd] (Input2) {neues Passwort\\ zweimal eingeben}; \node[activity, below = 2cm of Input2] (ResetPress) {\string"Passwort zurücksetzen\string"-\\ Button drücken}; \node[decision, right = of ResetPress] (PswCorrect) {Passwort\\ legal?}; \node[actBox, right = of PswCorrect] (Login2) {Login page}; \node[end, right = of Login2] (End2) {}; \draw ($(Start.north west)+(-3,2)$) rectangle ($(End2.south east)+(1,-2)$); \path ($(Start.north west)+(-3,1.4)$) -- ($(Start -| End2)+(1,1.4)$) node[midway]{\Large \textbf{Passwort vergessen}}; % Verbindungen zwischen den Nodes \draw[-stealth, thick](Start) -- (Aufruf); \draw[-stealth, thick](Aufruf) -- (Login1); \draw[-stealth, thick](Login1) -- (ForgetOpt); \draw[-stealth, thick](ForgetOpt) -- (Forget); \draw[-stealth, thick](Forget) -- (EmailDecEnd); \draw[-stealth, thick](EmailDecEnd) -- (Input1); \draw[-stealth, thick](Input1) -- (EmailDec); \draw[-stealth, thick](EmailDec) |- node[left, near start]{nein} (Error2); \draw[-stealth, thick](Error2) -- (EmailDecEnd); \draw[-stealth, thick](EmailDec) -- node[left, near start]{ja} (SendMail); \draw[-stealth, thick](SendMail) -- (LinkClick); \draw[-stealth, thick](LinkClick) -- (LinkTime); \draw[-stealth, thick](LinkTime) -- node[left, near start]{ja} (Error); \draw[-stealth, thick](Error) -- (End1); \draw[-stealth, thick](LinkTime) -- node[left, near start]{nein} (ResetWin); \draw[-stealth, thick](ResetWin) -- (PswCorEnd); \draw[-stealth, thick](PswCorEnd) -- (Input2); \draw[-stealth, thick](Input2) -- (ResetPress); \draw[-stealth, thick](ResetPress) -- (PswCorrect); \draw[-stealth, thick](PswCorrect.north west) -| (PswCorEnd) node[above, near start]{nein}; \draw[-stealth, thick](PswCorrect) -- (Login2) node[above, near start]{ja}; \draw[-stealth, thick](Login2) -- (End2); \end{tikzpicture}